Stanowisko z okazji Światowego Dnia Bezpiecznej Aborcji

Podczas 42. sesji Rady Praw Człowieka reprezentantka Federacji na rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny wygłosiła w imieniu Wielkiej Koalicji za Równością i Wyborem następujące stanowisko:

Obejrzyj nagranie z odczytania stanowiska.

Right to abortion is an essential part of women’s sexual and reproductive lives and health and is fundamental to women’s right to bodily autonomy. The human right to life and to health can only be achieved for women and girls if they have access to safe abortion when they need it. The realisation of this right is the necessary component of the reproductive justice.

Poland is one of the countries where even access to abortion which is permitted by law is hindered and women in Poland deal with numerous examples of reproductive injustice. Therefore, we strongly welcome the recent Committee against Torture’s acknowledgement that denial of procedure of access to abortion services may results in physical and mental suffering so severe in pain and intensity that it amounts to torture. We also welcome Committee’s expressions of concern over the lack of “effective regulation of conscience-based refusals by doctors to perform abortions” and the “absence of guidelines on how to access legal abortion services” in Poland.

On September 28, International Safe Abortion Day, we stand together and demand that all States ensure access to available, accessible and quality sexual and reproductive health services as part of universal health coverage and public health systems, including modern contraceptive options, comprehensive abortion and post-abortion care and remove all legal and social barriers to safe abortion, including its criminalization and commit to providing safe abortion services on request.